Sunday, December 27, 2009

The rush is over, and I'm toast

Mein Herr's cold is still going strong, both in him and in me. Didn't make much of a partying atmosphere, since I felt like crap at all the family gatherings. The in-laws gave me a huge tapestry sewing machine case on wheels, big enough for my Janome and half another one. It has oodles of pockets, so I can keep all my thread, scissors, etc. in one place. Mainly, it will really come in handy when I take my sewing machine back and forth to school for projects. Mein Herr gave me a Sizzix, which is a handy dandy little die-cut machine, and I'm looking forward to getting some parts for it so I can actually use it.
The loom is still naked, although I had J drag up the warping board and the tub of warp, and pulled out 24 tubes of white warp. K still wants to warp up all white, although J and I are bored with that, and want to experiment with some more color. The pale blue worked well, although I understand that it limits the weft you work with. She and JJ brought home two shopping bags of rag balls from Nana's, but I haven't felt like looking through all of them.
I did spend my birthday money already -- Amazon first, of course, from my wishlist, and just now from The Woolery -- warp and mop cord in browns and reds. I really want to get my ebay orders of fabric in and weave some place mats. The papers I have to grade are glaring at me, but they'll have to wait. S gets her wisdom teeth out tomorrow, and I'll be waiting on her hand and foot for a couple of days. Pray that everything goes well for her. I know she'll be terrified.

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